Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds
Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds

Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds

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HiFi Stereo Sound Quality- Bass up technology 



  • Aptx audio offers lossless transmission between your device and wireless headphones.The frequency response range reaches 20 to 20khz

  • Touch Design - Upgraded Touch Control is sensitive, Just tap the earbuds to answer/reject the call, hang up the phone, wake up Siri, music play/pause, previous/next track, volume up/down, or access to other functions.


  • Open Case Auto Pairing - After completing the initial pairing, just open the lid of the charging case, the earbuds will automatically connect with your Bluetooth device, without any one-second waiting. Auto pairing technology ensures an automatic connection to the last paired device when connecting the earbuds.


  • Low Latency - With less than 50ms delay and building mic to ensure a reliable transmission, which allows you to transmit the sound to your ears in real-time. 


  • Great Battery Life - In ear true wireless headphones offer up to 4 hours of playback with one charge and give a 25 hours playback time with the charging case. When you’re in a rush and need power fast, only 60 minutes of fast charging support 4 hour of listening time,and it can provides 4-5 earphone charging times.


  • Cool Light Effects & Dual Modes - Bluetooth headphones with cool RGB lighting designed on the earbuds and charging case to highlight the gaming atmosphere.

  • Small and Delicated - The in-ear headphones have a sleek high-quality simple design, this charging box is small, lightweight, and easy to carry, about 1/5 of the mobile phone. When you are traveling, working, or exercising, you can easily put it into your pocket or backpack to store and charge the Bluetooth earphones anytime, anywhere. 


  • Comfortable To Wear - These earphones use an ergonomic design, even if you wear them for a long time, you will not feel uncomfortable. Fit your ears perfectly.120 degrees ergonomic shape for the perfect fit in each ear.



  • Material: ABS plastic.
  • Color: Yellow, White, Black
  • Wearing method: semi-in-ear
  • Functional use: communication bluetooth headset/music bluetooth headset/game bluetooth headset
  • Frequency response range: 20Hz-20KHz
  • Product impedance: 32Q±15%
  • Sensitivity: -82dBm
  • Product size: Charging compartment: 51*50*26mm/Headphone: 20*17*35mm
  • Weight: Whole weight: 34g/single ear: 3.5g
  • Bluetooth version: 5.0 (EDR)
  • Transmission range: 2.4GHz ISM (2402-2480MHz)
  • Bluetooth receiving distance: ≥10 meters (under standard environment)
  • Supported protocols: A2DP·AVRCP·HFP·HSP
  • Transmission frequency: 2.4GHz band (2.4000-2.485GHz)
  • Headphone charging time: 60 minutes
  • Standby time: ≥160 hours
  • Play music: ≥4 hours
  • Call life time: ≥3 hours
  • Charging voltage/current: 4.2V 30mA
  • Working/Storage Temperature:-10℃~40℃/-20℃~40℃
  • Package: 1 pair * Wireless Ultra-Low Latency HI-FI Stereo Sound Cancelling Earbuds

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